Women Advocacy and Development Services
Location: Mbale District, Uganda
Key(s): Maternal and Reproductive Health, Education
Women Advocacy and Development Services (UWADS) is a community-based organization working in Mbale district, Eastern Uganda. They are working to raise people from poverty, violence, and especially to create an opportunity for girls and women to have a voice and a choice and to be able to reach their full potential.
UWADS works to improve the status of women and youth through advocacy and empowerment, promote girls education, prevent early marriages and unwanted teen pregnancies. To train women and youth in business and entrepreneurship to reduce unemployment and that will lead to increased commercial agriculture in a green environment. It looks forward to working with other local community partners to achieve all of the above.
Mission: To improve the status of women through advocacy and empowerment. It does this by building their capacity to promote health, economic empowerment and education and to eliminate all forms of violence and discrimination
Vision: To work towards a community where there is justice, fairness, care and love for the needy and equality for all of humanity irrespective of religion, sex, physical ability, political inclinations
As part of the "Giving Girls and Women Marketable Skills for Livelihoods" partner project, Rockflower and Ugandan Women Advocacy and Development Services completed a campaign to fund vocational training and economic opportunities for 20 young women in Mbale, Eastern Uganda.
The Ugandan Women Advocacy and Development Services (UWADS) is a community based organization working in Mbale district, Eastern Uganda. It’s vision is to work towards a community where there is justice, fairness, care and love for the needy and equality for all of humanity irrespective of religion, sex, physical ability and political inclinations.
Rockflower is pleased to announce a new partnership with Women's Advocacy and Development Services in Uganda. The UWADS is a community based organization working toward equality for all of humanity irrespective of religion, sex, physical ability or political inclination.
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