Tine Girls Model School Project
Location: Punjab Province, Pakistan
Tine Girls Model School (TGMS), established on 19th April 2014 and registered with the Government of Pakistan in 2016, is operated by Community Services Program (CSP)-Pakistan. The school is affiliated with the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Islamabad.
The TGMS girl-centric school provides quality education to the poorest girls in Pakistan. Students learn more than just reading and writing. Most vulnerable and neglected girls become empowered citizens and leaders. Education at TGMS provides vulnerable students with positive thinking, vocational skills and confidence to realize their dreams, while teaching them the skills necessary to take responsibility for and transform their lives.
Reduce the number of out-of-school girls by at least 33%.
Promote quality learning in girls child-friendly environment with particular attention to the vulnerable girls.
Enhance vocational skills of vulnerable girl students.
Economically empower the mothers of girls attending the school.
There are more than 31 million Pakistani girls under 16 who do not attend school school. Access to education has improved in recent years; however, more than half of the girls drop out due to the poverty and lack of access to education facilities. As a result, female literacy rates remain stagnant at 38%.
TGMS provide quality education in a girl-centric environment. Our education programme goes beyond enrollment & literacy. Through inputs such as interest free microfinance for poor mothers, teacher training, state-of-the-art curriculum, vocational skills training for students, after school enrichment, access to books and technology as well as stringent monitoring, our children acquire livelihood skills, positive thinking and leadership skills. The poorest of the girls are engaged in the education process and enabling them to access required incomes, better health and become empowered citizens. The vision is that the TGMS education program will provide quality education and learning to more than 20,000 vulnerable girl children in Pakistan within the next five years.
TGMS will provide education and learning to vulnerable girls. They will go on to embody a confidence level that is unique and exceptional and access life and career opportunities that would not have been available to them otherwise. In turn they will have a powerful desire to give back to their communities and become powerful change agents.
Future Plan
Increasing the yearly intake of a batch of students up to 350.
Establishment of TGMS education system for girls, initially in Rural Islamabad and subsequently all across Pakistan.
To establish 10 secondary Tine Girls Model Schools including 2 Residential Schools & colleges, 1 girls model university for vulnerable girls by 2025.
Development of girls vocational skills Enhancement syllabus.
Promotion of Interest free Micro loans for most vulnerable mothers whose girls in schools.
Construction of TGMS School building.
Construction of education and learning complex for vulnerable girls.