The Five Keys are the fundamental framework on which women and girls need to build prosperous and successful lives.
The Five Keys exist individually and collectively to demonstrate the inherent value in an interconnected approach and mindset to our partners and their projects.
Rockflower is designed as a gardener that works to connect those working within the Five Keys to a platform with access to funds, expertise, proven techniques and shared resources. It does this through a simple but direct strategy of partnership and collaboration which fertilizes and encourages depth of impact.
To successfully address peace and security, we must insist that women are not only part of the conversation but are the pillars of peace agreements. Increasing funding to targeted peace-building for women is essential if communities are to thrive and live in safety.
Knowledge, availability, and access to simple maternal and reproductive services can determine whether women and girls choose or are compelled to be mothers. Even the simplest measures implemented effectively can have a significant impact.
A girl who has completed 7 or more years of schooling will marry four years later, have fewer children and will send her own children to school. The better educated a girl, the more choices that become available to her.
The exponential benefit of educating a girl reaches far beyond the classroom, an educated woman will re-invest over 90% of her income back into family and community.
Women often face huge challenges in creating opportunities for economic empowerment. Creating job opportunities is just part of this matrix, maximizing earning and saving potential leads to improved independence and decision-making abilities.
Water and food are often available but access is either lacking or underutilized. Lack of access to water and sanitation affects over 750 million people. Giving women a seat at the table in the design and implementation of delivery systems provides dramatic improvement for communities.